Mid-Michigan MLK Day virtual event provides guidance, hope Jan. 17
LANSING, Mich. – The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commission of Mid-Michigan is pleased to announce that our 37th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Celebration will be broadcast on WILX channel 10 on Monday January 17 at 7:00 PM.
This year’s theme is: “In the long run, justice finally must spring from a new moral climate.” words written by Martin Luther King Jr. to President Eisenhower requesting federal assistance with school integration in Little Rock Arkansas.
On September 4, 1957, nine black students enrolled at the formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Their enrollment in the school was made possible because of the landmark Supreme Court ruling Brown v. Board of Education declaring segregation in public schools unconstitutional We will be celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Little Rock Nine, with members Ernest Green, Carlotta Lanier, and Mr. Terrance Roberts.
Since 1981, the Commission has been a presence in the mid-Michigan region, initially as an advocate for a national holiday in Dr. King’s honor and we now host the largest luncheon event honoring Dr. King; we are also the longest running MLK Commission in the nation. Proceeds raised during this event are used to support education, anti-hunger initiatives, and community service organizations.
There are several ways for you to participate in our 2022 day of celebration:
Purchase an Advertisement in our 2022 Digital Ad Book. Download the advertising form for you to complete and email back. Please return to GLMLKADS@Gmail.com by Monday, January 3, 2022
Become a Corporate Sponsor. Various opportunities and levels for sponsorship are available. For more information, please contact:
Elaine Hardy at ehardy@cityofeastlansing.com or (517) 319-6942
Tristan Wright at Tristan@lepfa.com or (517) 980-0304
We look forward to honoring and celebrating the legacy of Dr. King with you in 2022 for the 37th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Celebration. We invite you to head to our website https://mlkmidmichigan.com/ for more information and updates as well as connecting with us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/GLMLKCommission) and Twitter (@GLMLKCommission)
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The commission’s MLK Day of Celebration is a tribute to the inspiring civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King. More information is at https://mlkmidmichigan.com or follow the commission on Facebook, @MLKCommOfMidMI.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commission of Mid-Michigan works to support equality, diversity and social justice. It focuses on the area’s pressing issues of literacy, youth violence, hunger, mentoring, education and community enrichment. The nonprofit organization hosts speakers and concerts, supports community service agencies, and promotes youth initiatives, such as essay and art contests, college scholarships and an annual Y-Achievers tour for high school students.
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